Wednesday, July 16, 2008

So this is it...

I have officially earned my Bachelor's Degree and am a college graduate. Well, it becomes official on Friday, but I am completely done with all I have to do. I can't believe it. I can't believe how fast it went (most of the time). I have had some wonderful classes. I have had some amazing experiences that have taught me so much. I have had some fabulous roommates who will be lifelong friends. In the past 3 years I have lived in 4 different apartments and 2 different houses. The thought of acutally moving everything home is a wonderful idea. I don't know where I will put everything, but I am so excited to actually live at home! It's been a very long time since I've done that. My roommates are all in school right now, but my teacher told me to sleep in so I wouldn't be tired for the drive. I had a wonderful cooperating teacher. I need to send a shout out to Pam and Dennis (Garan's parents) and thank them for coming to Vegas to visit and for bringing Garan with them. We had a fabulous time and it was so fun to just be together. Garan helped clean my apartment for our "white glove" clean check and then we played the rest of the weekend. We had to do "white glove" again this morning, before we move out and it just wasn't as fun without Garan here. :) I'm starting to ramble and don't know what to say or how to say it, so I guess this is it. I've loved college and I am sure that I am on to bigger and better things! AHHHHHHHH Garan just walked in. More details to come! :)


Brian and Kristy said...

Congratulations!! That's exciting your done with school and Garan's home. I'm so happy for you. I hope all is well. Love you honey!!

Em said...

Hey! I know this is way random! I saw your blog site on Facebook and had to take a look! You look like you are having so much fun!
Oh yeah this is Emily Fisher (Winward)

Chandie said...

I'm so happy for you Jess... you are amazing and have worked HARD! Love ya!

Penelope Lolohea said...

What an acheivement! Congratulations!!!!