Saturday, June 14, 2008

It's Beginning to Hit (dun dun dun) !

AHH!!! I think I might go crazy. It's beginning to hit me that Garan is coming home in 19 days! Seriously, how did this happen?!? When he left everyday seemed like an eternity. I think that first month was probably the only time I can say I have been "depressed", okay maybe the first 2 months. It was rough. Before he left we saw each other everyday and we talked every night before bed. "Okay, I'm going to go to bed", he or I would say. Then we would proceed to talk for another 20 minutes. "Okay, really this time...", one of us would hear. Followed by a quick, "I love you/ too. I will talk to you tomorrow. See ya soon!" *Sigh*. I keep thinking of these things as I try to go to bed at night. I am so excited/nervous and I feel like I have butterflies all night long. Followed by long dance parties with my girls and lesson plans/grading galore. I'm so grateful that I'm doing my student teaching, because it keeps me really busy and helps the days go by more quickly. I only have two more Fridays until he is home. Oh geez. Eek! I think the hardest part will be coming back to Vegas for the following week and a half, but at least I have a whole weekend to spend in Kaysville for the best holiday of them all! Maybe coming back to Vegas will be a good thing. We can use the wonderful invention of the cell phone and get to know each other all over again. *Sigh* Off to the pool to correct papers and get a killer tan so I can look hot in 19 days. Let's pray the sun helps.


Chandie said...

Oh Jessie, I get so excited for you just thinking about it! You two will pick up right where you left off, and will be as cute as ever! I can't believe it's so soon!! And girl, you don't need a suntan, you are GORGEOUS as ever and you're gonna knock his socks off. I'm excited for you and I love you and I can't wait to see you!!!

pamelasue said...

I can't wait!!!! I know EXACTLY how you feel. It will be amazingly comfortable immediately and then feel like he's never been gone. I can't wait!! But I understand the not sleeping part. And the not eating part (at least for me) and the butterflies whenever you think of seeing him...Oh, this is fun!

pamelasue said...

Oh, yeah, and you are going to be the most beautiful thing he has seen with or without a tan! You are a silly, silly girl!:)

Stacie said...

Jessie, your post brought back sooo many memories. I remember the nerves in the months, then weeks, then days before Kyle came home. I remember I was working out a lot before then, doing my hair and make-up a little more carefully, heck, I even got my teeth whitened. And seriously, it's funny how they come home a tad overweight and speaking with Spanish accents and a teensy bit weird, and here we are stressing... :) I'm so excited to see Garan! And I can't wait to see you guys together again.

David and Haylee Skaggs said...

So I just found out that you know Latu!! What a small world! I work with her!!!