Tuesday, December 11, 2007

When I'm old...

I decided this morning that when I am old and have money I NEED a garage. Okay, I don't really need one, but I really, really want one. This morning I got ready and so five minutes before I was going to drive to class I decided I should go start my car. (Usually I do it before this, but I forgot.) When I went outside it was freezing. (The high today in Rexburg is 16 degrees... brrrr!) I started my car and went out five minutes later. None of the ice had come off my car at all and scraping it wouldn't work either. It was way to frozen. So I took the keys out and began walking to campus. I don't live that far away, but it felt far today. As I was walking, I had my first encounter with "frozen nose hairs" in 2007 (since I began 2007 in Ecuador.) For those of you who haven't experienced "frozen nose hairs" it's quite the experience. See, the liquid in your nose freezes, because it's so cold. Then as soon as you get inside your nose starts running, because it isn't cold anymore. Anyways, cold days are here in Rexburg and I have a feeling it's going to be a long winter! But I am willing to take it for all you skiers and snowboarders... so... bring it on! What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger... right? And I can wait a few years for the garage. I just hope it's sometime in the future!


ClaysJenna said...

garages are definitely nice!! I dont think I would trade mine for anything haha!!!!

Chandie said...

I've never even heard of frozen nose hairs!!! That's too funny... and yet horrible too... I hope you get rich soon and have a nice warm toasty garage :)