Thursday, November 8, 2007

Uno Mas

I forgot to put one more thing on here for tag...

I can fall asleep anywhere. Really, it's true. I get it from my dad. I can sleep in cars (if I'm not driving), I can sleep on planes (I slept all but one hour on the way to Ecuador), and I fall asleep during most rented movies (especially when I fall asleep on Garan's lap). I don't know if this sleeping habit is good or bad, but it's definitely there and I don't really mind.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tag! I'm it!

I think I must share too much information, because I can't think of things you don't already know, but I'll try really hard... here it goes!

1. I've been a huge BYU fan since 4th grade when a boy and me talked and wasn't very nice about the game... He was a Ute and so it all began. My dad was very happy. I pretty much cry in every BYU vs. Utah game. Either because I'm happy or because I am sad. I'm pathetic, I know. At least I can admit it right?

2. I have talked to my mom everyday of my life except one, it was sad (I forgot to call her). She is amazing and thank heavens for cell phones and family plans.

3. I started dating my best friend on December 27, 2003. Holy cow, that's a long time. (Almost 4 years). I haven't talked to him since Mothers Day or seen him since June 27, 2006 and I'm still crazy about him. I think that is a good sign and I got way lucky!

4. My brother got his mission call today, but we can't go home until tomorrow because he has two tests. I'll let you know where he is going, no worries. Having him here at college with me has been a huge blessing and I am so grateful.

5. My heart is all over the world. It's in Ecuador with my kids, it's in Idaho with everyone I love from college, it's in Texas with Gar, and it's in Utah with my family(ies). I am the luckiest girl in the world. I want to be in every single one of these places.